I didn't know what to call this. I tried to be creative but at the same time my head isn't on straight, and hasn't been for this semester so that's what came out. Ping pong in my head.
And these thoughts are just going to come straight out in a list so BAM here they are:
I need to find a paying job for this summer Trader Joe's kettle corn is addictive and deadly. Beware. The darkness and silence of my apartment right now is heavenly. I really really really really hope Gap and J.Crew let me take off in two weeks so I can go to Nashville and Charleston. I need to de-clutterize my room I need to do my homework but I really really really don't want to I also don't want to make dinner but I have to & I need this madness to stop and get me out. of. cold. weather.
On a lighter and more fun note, I had the most glorious weekend at home and a great time *listening* to Tame Impala and the Growl on Friday.
I say *listening* because I was bombarded by the fact that teenagers LOVE Tame Impala. And not just regular, annoying teenagers - obliterated, smelly, annoying, obnoxious, and VIOLENT teenagers.
Let me be clear: Tame Impala is not a band to which you MOSH PIT! Have you listened to their music? You move with the music. Not throw yourself onto a 22-year-old who simply wanted to listen to the band up close. Jeez.
I thought wanderlust may have died down maaayyybe a little until in the wee hours of the night, I found this woman's blog and now I'm enthralled with her. Garance Doré is French perfection and I essentially want to be her. She is also head-over-heels in love with Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist. How perfect. Ugh.
Soooo I started reading her blog and I love it because it's casual and conversational, yet extremely informational. And she doesn't really rant, which is kind of hard to come by. Or maybe she is ranting and I just think she's too cool to care.
Eiiiither way, she sparked my obsessed back up with Parisian life. I don't think that'll ever let up.
And then..... I went on twitter this morning. London is so cool. Look at these pictures of street style from London Fashion Week. Brits are just so. Cool. And they're obviously rubbing off on everyone else there.
That clutch. That top. That whole ensemble. That SHIRT - I want it so bad. And maybe a beret, too.
Okay, now I'll get back to writing a feature, an analysis, watching a Webinar, and designing a pattern. SO THAT I CAN GO TO TAME IMPALA TONIGHT!
I use this word a whole lot. Because it consumes my life. I just wanna go go go!!!
So when I'm overwhelmed and completely stressed, I go to airbnb.com and search for anywhere and everywhere around the world, you know, for hypothetical trips. Hmph.
Somewhere warm would be lovely right now. More than lovely actually. Such as Palm Springs! That's where that awesome, almost fake-looking picture of a palm tree was taken. How colorful and not-depressing. Jeez.
Anyyyyyways, school is extremely overwhelming so this blogging thing, as I expected, gets put waaaay down the list. But that's alright for now I suppose.
Tomorrow I'm going to the sold out Tame Impala show, which I'm told is going to be the best show I've ever seen. We will SEE about that. Tame Impala is amazing though.
And then I get to go home. Sweet. Home. for a couple days. Which is fine, I just need that home time! And a Target! And a mall! And a Trader Joe's! And my mom and dad and baby sisters! And my boo! All the best in life.
So enjoy the weekend, I know I will. Here's a little Tame Impala 'Elephant' for your listening pleasure. xoxo
*Palm Tree shot by talented photographer Bonnie Tsang. Her instagram is awesome!